Well all December's recipes completed except
Mincemeat hot cakes which I shall be making tonight.
Unfortunately we had no left over mincemeat ( this chapter called " Using up the bits ") so this had to wait until I had been shopping for more!
Made a start on January's recipes however. Just over one month to go and I shall have completed the entire Kitchen Diaries 2 - wow .
Jan 1 st ( a belated Happy New Year to everyone) the chapter is headed " A humble loaf and a soup of roots " Mr Slater says ".......kneading is a good way to start the year. Tactile, peaceful, creative ....." Sounds perfect.
The first recipe I make is A cider loaf ( quick and so easy to make ) to accompany the second recipe, A soup of bacon and celeriac ( the only difficult thing about making this was grating to celeriac, got my husband to do this as it requires some strength)
Both were delicious and just what was needed after all the( over ) indulgences of Christmas .
Ten out of ten for both! Every scrap finished - and before I remembered to photograph them - sorry.
Definitely one to repeat.